MISSION & OBJECTIVE EDITORIAL BOARD CALL FOR PAPERS AUTHOR GUIDELINES SUBSCRIPTION ARCHIVES Vol.1 Issue 6 , Jun, 2013 Back Particulars Page No Conservation Agriculture: It’s Impact on Productivity and Agro-Ecological SystemsDr. D. Tata Rao 01 - 12 Social Accounting Measures and Reports for the Corporate Social PerformanceM. Ramji Nayak and Prof. D. Lalitha Rani 13 - 19 Employment, Income, Expenditure and indebtedness among weaver Households - A Case Study in Developed and Under Developed DistrictsDr. Ramesh Mande 20 - 26 An investigation of the relationship between Job Attitudes and Job Performance of University TeachersSamithamby Senthilnathan 27 - 41 A Study on Intra and Interpersonal management of Emotional Intelligence among Prospective Teachers in Srikakulam DistDr. Jyothula Luciana Sandhaya Rani 42 - 47 STRENGTHENING CONSUMER PROTECTION WITH IPRS. Madhuri Paradesi 48 - 54 BASICS OF MENGER SPACE AND THEOREMS RELATED TO MAPPING WITH CONTRACTION IN MENGER SPACESL. Vijaya Kumar 55 - 59